I have been repressed so much now I am releasing all the anger I kept inside me for the longest time. I have a limit like anyone else, I try to be nice to people but people freakking taking advantage of that situation, so fug all those retards! Dont think I am turning mad or what, its just I met too many stupid people for me to handle, if u were me , I am sure u will be angry too. I tell you the kind of people I meet.

- Irresponsible riders or drivers, drink and ride , either they kill themselves or kill other people, selfish fuggers
- Self-Centred People who dun listen, keep talking about their own POV and when others speak they just shut people up, selfish fuggers
- Unappreciative people, u do lotsa things for them and they just take it for granted, unthankful bastards
- People who have no basic manners or couteousy, just plain rude coz they think its cool? Yah go fug urselves
- Imposers who impose their thoughts on other people coz they think it work for themselves therefore it works for everybody, self-centred fuggers.
- Proud assholes, these kind always end up in shitholes, coz to keep their pride, they say everything, do everything, fake everything, and hurt everyone to satisfy their own ego boost, u balloon head muther fuggers
- Empty vessels makes the most noise, everything u say they noe, everything u say is wrong, in actual fact, they dont noe shit, stupiak fuggers
- Drunkards, Gamblers , Junkies, these people deserved to be punished severely. Useless fuggers
- People who lived by a label, thats just being fake, the worst deception is self-deception, so carry on fuggin urselves up
- People who uses black magic on others, all I can say of these people is that they are just PLAIN stupid, it all comez back to urself, stupid fuggers!
- Self-Indulgence peepz, their brains are filled with Me , Me and Me, be it Self-Glorifying, or Self-Pity , I am Not a Fan of people who are a fan of themselves only. So Die in your loneliness, ignorant fuggers
- Angry people like me, coz we repressed too much and now that it has reached the limit , we burst, and we will know who truely cares for us after everything, so control ur temper u angry fuggers!!