House Of Hong Shui & Master HYR
Its my honor to get a chance to speak to Master HYR today. Master HYR has invented the new revolutionary way to direct/control/enhance the Human Hong Shui.
Master HYR also known as Hong Fei Hong has just opened a school called House of Hong Shui. Master HYR was kind enough for me to put up an interview on my blog. Here's the interview...
Me : Master HYR can you enlighten our readers here about your newly discovered "HongFu"?
HYR : I just invented...Hong Shui...the art of fine's a delicate craft...this hong shui thru years of burning and stretching your make it super thick
Me : What would one be after learning this artistic formula from you?
HYR : u will be ...the Hong Shui madster..I'm quite proud of this new term
Me : Cool! Can you reveal to us a little of your secret fomulas? Any Examples?
HYR : Master Master...I nneed more Hong!!! Patience my child...go rub your face with sandpaper for another 2 days let the blood flow and give birth to new thick skin.
Me : Wow! You have to be really thick skin to learn this "Hong Shui" !
HYR : there are practical lessons too..
Me : Would you mind sharing with us what are your practical lessons?
HYR : they put this really old, really fat, really ugly girl, sitting at the Hong Shui bar...and U have to chat her up everyday, making her feel she's Elizibeth Hurley...and then U must sweep her off her feet, which will be really jialat, coz she's too heavy and her acne will rub off and pus will drip on u
Me : That's a tough lesson isnt it?
HYR : and on top of that...u are balancing books on top of your head
Me : Thats incredible! Is that it? Does one qualify to be a disciple of yours?
HYR : u must at the same time master the art of cock cleavage then after u carry her to your room, then u will be given....Hong Shui disciple the Hong Shui Si...
Me : (Applause!!) Have you got any ugly old hags they can choose from?
HYR : u can choose...btwn drum and drummer...the hag B - Horse Face OR.. the hag S - bee chiam kueh face
Me : Yucks! Doesnt sound very good, I bet they must really looked terrible! How much issit to learn this fine art from you?
HYR : At the House of Hong Shui, 6 million dollars to complete the course
Me : Mmm sounds pretty reasonable, imagine how much you have to pay the old ugly hags, and it's indeed a fine art! Ok we have come to the last question, Master HYR, what would you like to tell everybody here in conclusion of this interview?
HYR : remember to credit me! every one needs to know...I'm the House of Hong Shui inventor!!
Me : Sure Master HYR! Thank you for taking your precious time off from meditating the art-of-hongness for this interview!
HYR : buy!!