Astro Boy made his appearance in a Japanese magazine in 1951, six years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.
Dr. Tenma is the Head for the Ministry of Science. A brilliant professor who is dedicated to his work. For months, Dr. Tenma has been trying to create a new type of robot; A robot with a soul, a robot capable of human emotions. After many failed attempts, his son, Toby, suggests that his father creats a "boy robot". Inspired by his son's idea, Doctor Boyton relaunches his research with new found enthusiasm.
Unfortunately, Dr. Tenma's obsession with his research causes him to miss alot of time with Toby. After breaking too many fatherly promises, Toby runs away from home and is tragically killed in a car accident. Dr. Tenma, driven mad by his grief, goes on to secretly complete his robot with a soul in the likeness of his son.
This robot, is AstroBoy. A thinking, caring robot with a heart and soul.other in the world. It'll be modern science's supreme work of art!," adding touches such as "pleasure circuits to create a happy expression" on Astro Boy's face. Thus is born Tetsuwan Atom-literally "Mighty Atom," though it was translated into English as "Astro Boy"
After a while Dr. Tenma forgets that his replacement son is a robot, except when he notices that the robot is not growing like a little boy. Realizing that this "Tobio" will never grow up, the hateful and disappointed Doctor gives up Astro Boy to a robot circus. Luckily, Professor Ochanomizu sees Tenma's creation at the circus and realizes that this is no ordinary robot. Ochanomizu drags our hero out of robot hell, and through his kindness he teaches the robot boy to fly, speak sixty languages, and best yet, how to sense whether people are good or bad (welcome additions to his 100,000-horse power strength and the machine guns attached to his rear end). He no longer exists as Tobio the robot slave but as Astro Boy, everybody's friend.