Coca Cola Used To Contain Cocaine
Coca-Cola was named back in the 1885 for its two "medicinal" ingredients: extract of Coca leaves & Kola nuts.
Coca leaves -Cocaine & Kola nuts- Caffeine
After 1904, instead of using fresh leaves, Coca-Cola started using "spent" leaves—the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with cocaine trace levels left over at a molecular level.[25] To this day, Coca-Cola uses as an ingredient a cocaine-free coca leaf extract prepared at a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey.
This Urban Legend about the Cokelore is True..
Here are some fun facts about Coca-Cola..
1-In one night “Coca Cola” can soften a tooth.
2-In one night “Coca Cola” can melt meat.
3-“Coca Cola” kills bugs.
4-You can polish coins with “Coca Cola”.
5-“Coca Cola” can help you sunburn.
6-You can clean blood spots with “Coca Cola”.
7-“Coca Cola” can wash paint off.
8-“Coca Cola” is a perfect toilet cleaner.
9-If you have a headache, drink “Coca Cola”, it will help.
10-“Coca Cola” stops hiccups.
11-“Coca Cola” is involved in WWII propaganda.
12-“Coca Cola” is an effective spermicide.