Inspirating Discouragments + Happy Agony + Insane Sanity + Healthy Detoriation + Mental Flu + Insomia Dosage + Brain Cells Evaporating + Egoistic Degrading + Crtic of Critcs = SELF DESTRUCT. *I Am A Little Bit Of Everything All Rolled Into One*

Monday, October 03, 2005

I Am Insured By Multi-Personality-Disorder

Tagline of being insured by Multi-Personality-Disorder - " You hit me. WE hit you "

Benefits of being Multi-Personality Insured

NO PROBLEMS - You have many different solutions from different personality to help you solve the problem more effeciently!!

MORE FRIENDS - You tend to have more friends because you are a multi-facet creature! You can use different personality to suit different group of friends.

BETTER LIFE COVERAGE - When you feel down, you have other personality to console you and talk you out. You will be happier and, because you are happier you live longer!!

NEVER ALONE - Never in solitude, you have you and your voices in your head to accompany you!

HANDELING BULLIES - If anyone bullies you, they will sure kena BIG time from you! When you and the voices in your heads combine, the bully die!!

I am sure many of us are already insured by Mulit-Personality or Schizophrenia , and happy about it. Be proud of this good insurance because its so exclusive that it is only on an invitation basis! You must enough brains to back all the personalities up!!

Brought to you by Insane-In-Da-Membrane
Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world


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