Inspirating Discouragments + Happy Agony + Insane Sanity + Healthy Detoriation + Mental Flu + Insomia Dosage + Brain Cells Evaporating + Egoistic Degrading + Crtic of Critcs = SELF DESTRUCT. *I Am A Little Bit Of Everything All Rolled Into One*

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Almost Emotionally Bankrupt

Thursdays are the days I will be so emotionally drained out till I forget almost everything, sometimes I even forget why the fug am I living on this planet with so many idiots with Etiquettes from HELL!!
First I gotto deal with my Music job, retarded music clients & now, SSC customers & SSC staff, what the hell manz, do I looked like I offer SOS services?? OK even if I do, its all out of sincerity that I try to help with whatever unhappiness you cannot deal with, BUT please! If you wanna give me Etiquette-Hell, DONT tell me your freakking problems!! You think I so damn free ah?? Call 1800-helpline or something. DONT make me feel like an idiot talking to you, its NOT nice manz! DONT just go on blabbering how is it that its the whole damn world's fault but yourselves. FUG OFF manz! If everyone is so freakking narrow minded and unhappy, fuggin quit your job lah! Why create Xtra poliitics, as if we dont have it enough at SSC! Why cant you just GO to work, mind your own blardy business, earn your blardy cash, Do what you freakking supposed to do and FUG off home and sleep. Why all those endless complains? Why be such a pain in de arse? Gourd! Tell me why Please!!
Its very simple guys, if you want to complain, blardy hell look @ urself first, and if you wanna speak to me about your problems, fine! Can tell me!! When you speak I listen, when I speak you listen too! Basic respect manz!! Dont need to be very highly educated to understand what simple Etiquettes are!
It is really not that difficult to work in the service-line my friends, just manners & freakking COMMON SENSE! SO you better wake up your blardy idea before your blardy EGO destroy you! SO drained out talking to you guys! oh Gourd!!! Give me strength please!!


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