I Am The 'LAI' Priestess

The Shining Queen, who rules the velvet night,
And nurtures nascent change, concealed from sight,
Transforms and changes, wheeling light and dark,
And seeks the Sun to sire the unseen spark.
The watery depths bring forth the Child of Light.
Yes, I am an oxymoronic Tarot card reader. Like it or not I give you good & bad meanings of your card readings. I wont only say what you wanna hear but what you dont wanna hear too, I think thats being realistic and helpful.
I use the Tarot Cards as a guideline to living life NOT to predict the future, I dont wanna be a psychic psychotic Tarot Reader.I love my Deck, which is the Morgan Greer Tarot. I like the pictures very much, when I 1st saw it I felt an attachment to the Deck thats why I bought it.
MY SOUL CARD- MAJOR ARCANA CARD 2 ( calculations based on the day I am borned ) THE HIGH PRIESTESS
Interpretation of Card ...
Higher Meaning:
The High Priestess represents wisdom, intuition, and hidden knowledge. She is able to bring into consciousness that which is unconscious. She is able to articulate and illuminate the deepest mysteries. The High Priestess is steadfast and faithful and a lover of revealed and unrevealed truth.
Mundane Meaning:
Intuition, mystery, and unrevealed influences at work in the questioner's life is indicated by the presence of the High Priestess. This card may represent a woman in the questioner's life or the questioner. A woman who is supportive, loving, wise, and very intuitive is also represented by the High Priestess. Take time to listen to the inner voice present in the stillness of a quiet heart.
Reversed Meaning:
When the High Priestess is reversed in a reading it may indicate a misuse of spiritual or psychic power. It can also represent the desire to control or manipulate others. This card reversed may also represent an individual who does not listen to or trust their own intuition.
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