Inspirating Discouragments + Happy Agony + Insane Sanity + Healthy Detoriation + Mental Flu + Insomia Dosage + Brain Cells Evaporating + Egoistic Degrading + Crtic of Critcs = SELF DESTRUCT. *I Am A Little Bit Of Everything All Rolled Into One*

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Fliend - Mr Chan

Can somebody tell me what the H$%% is he doing?? Read further..

By the Way let me introduce, this is Mr Chan, my friend, he happens to be a mixed breed of human and psychotic chipmunk.

Other then having too much MOS burgers ,He seems normal until an experiment turned bad when he was working in the CLINIC, his case was so serious he couldnt be in the public anymore so they moved him to a red room, there he stayed with Mao because every LUNAR eclipse that began at moonrise, he will evolved to be what we call a "Humonic Munk" (Animal-liked Red-haired Human).

Apparently, Mr Chan escaped from the red room, because Mao tried to eat his tofu. I am looking for him urgently because I need him back for my experiments and he needs tonnes of medication. So if any kind soul out there, if you see the psychotic face above please leave me a message!


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